Peterborough Butterfly Run

Peterborough, ON

Campaign Information


Top Individuals

CALLY WHITE $1,532.33
LACEY DWYER $1,339.77
LORI BROCK $1,197.55
MIKE FRYIA $565.96

Top Teams

Macks Pack $8,059.33
The White Family $4,637.00
Bene's Buddies $3,138.06
Team Jessica and Angeline Dalliday $2,552.76
Team Cub Marshall $1,959.34
Canadian Beer League $1,697.54
Ben Moffatt $1,470.64
Team Amelia $1,391.91
Baker Tilly $1,242.01
Team CeCe $1,153.28

Bene's Buddies

Baby Benedict (Bene) Yusufani was born November 1, 2023. He had been diagnosed prenatally with fatal congenital heart defects and severe congenital neurological conditions arising from a tetrasomy on chromosome 22. Surgery for the congenital heart defects was not really feasible given the neurological diagnosis and as such, his family was advised that he was not expected to live very long after birth.

Bene lived 140 hours. His short life was filled with love from family, friends, neighbours, and the most compassionate and supportive health care staff. Those who loved him are so grateful for the kindness, generosity, and professional expertise of all those who accompanied them on this palliative care journey.

We're running on the 28th in honour of Bene, and to help raise funds for more pediatric palliative care training in Peterborough and the surrounding area.

Photo by Welch Photography

Team Members

Name Goal Amount Raised
ABRAMYUSUFANI-3318510 $100.00 $10.00
CAMRYNCHAPUT-3336154 $100.00 $0.00
CARLY REINKELUERS $100.00 $25.00
CHRISTIANCHAPUT-3336154 $100.00 $0.00
COURTNEYOREILLY $100.00 $63.51
DESCHAPUT-3336154 $100.00 $0.00
ERICAO'REILLY $100.00 $0.00
HEATHERCHAPUT-3336154 $100.00 $0.00
LILYCHAPUT-3336154 $100.00 $0.00
MICHELLE MCEVOY $100.00 $126.91
MUFFYMCINTYRE-3338828 $100.00 $50.00
REBECCA MCEVOY $1,000.00 $1,561.59
SAMUELYUSUFANI-3318510 $100.00 $10.00
THEACHAPUT-3336154 $100.00 $0.00
ZAIDYUSUFANI-3318510 $100.00 $53.51

Our Contributors

Yoseif Haddad $106.70
Maeda welch $26.91
Valeria Ashkar $106.70
Anonymous $106.70
Ed Rousselle $100.00
Andrea Rousselle $100.00
Earl O'Reilly $53.51
Irene Scott $25.00
Doug Scott $26.91
Joseph/Nicole Bester $100.00
Morgan Berger $100.00
Christine Schnurr $213.09
Leanne Rousselle $50.00
Raquel Castro $53.51
Alisha Grams $26.91
Majid Afana $106.70
Chris and Brenda Reinkeluers $200.00
Donna McEvoy $50.00
Angie Kolen $100.00
Anonymous $25.00
Reem Yusufani $100.00
Wendy Gale $50.00
Teresa Garvey $26.91
Carly Kassay $25.00
Ioannis Dimoglou $50.00
Bradley Black $53.51
Katherine Breda $213.09
Shannon Rice $50.00
Michaela George $25.00
Sandra Mosco $100.00
Colleen and Ben Krasna $100.00
Caitlin Frazier $106.70
Kelly Carr $25.00
Sarah Gale $106.70
Hannah Haasen $21.60
Laurel McIntyre $25.00
Noreen Murphy $100.00
Chuqiao Dai $26.91
Laura McRae $10.00
Laura McRae $10.00
Carly Reinkeluers $25.00
Courtney O’Reilly $10.00
Rebecca McEvoy $100.00
Trust Guard Security Scanned